Make Some New Year's Resolutions for Your Home | Journey Home Lending

Can you believe it is almost time to start writing 2020 as the year? It is crazy how fast time really does fly by!

As you are getting your resolutions ready for the new year, our team at Journey Home Lending wants you to consider also making some New Year’s resolutions for your home.

Make Your Home a Priority this Year

We always have the best of intentions, with all sorts of plans for our homes and our property. Then before you know it, another year has come and goneā€”but not this year.

This year is going to be the year you finally stay on top of your game when it comes to your home. Let’s take a look at some tasks you might want to move to the top of your to-do list:

Change the Batteries

When was the last time you checked the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector? If it has been over a year or been so long you can’t even remember, then you are going to want to make this task one of your first priorities.

As soon as possible, take time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. In addition, go ahead and change the batteries so you can be sure you are starting the new year with a new set and increased safety.

Check for Water Leaks

Water leaks have a way of sneaking up on you! It can be days, weeks or even months before a water leak is noticed. And when it is, it is usually well on its way to doing some costly damage.

Therefore, make checking for water leaks a task you tackle every month or so to ensure you catch any water leaks early. Also, since it is cold outside anyway, now would be a great time to conquer some indoor home projects, such as re-caulking areas around the shower, tub and toilet, as well as replace leaking faucets.

Give Your Home a Good Wash

When was the last time you gave your home a good bath? While it’s something we rarely think about, 2020 is a great time to give the outside of your home a fresh and clean start. So give it a good power-wash!

Whether you are considering putting your home up for sale or are settling into a new-to-you home, these are definitely the resolutions you are going to want to make for your home this new year.

Are you in the market for a new home? Contact our team at Journey Home Lending today to learn how we can help you get started in your search for the perfect home!